The activities of the Government Services Division are as diverse as the needs of the communities we serve. Planning helps individual communities deal with needs ranging from land use and transportation to environmental reviews.
In dealing with these issues, assistance in researching, writing, and administering grants is often required. We prepare a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the region and assist cities and counties in obtaining state and federal grants to implement the strategy. As an affiliate of the State Data Center, we assist in the distribution of current Census data and the forecasting of future conditions.
A strong partnership with the South Carolina Department of Transportation has enabled Upper Savannah COG to take a more active role in regional transportation issues. To date, USCOG and SCDOT have jointly created a regional traffic model, a long-range regional plan, and a public transit plan.
Regular consultation with SCDOT gives local officials an opportunity to comment upon needed improvements. Future issues of regional importance include coordinating public transit and addressing the safety improvements to roadways and bridges.
Through continued use of these resources, Upper Savannah will continue to be a resource for local governments with questions and needs related to developing stronger communities. One way to do this is by providing training for local officials. Partnerships with the Municipal Association of South Carolina (MASC) and the state planning association (SCAPA) make Upper Savannah the local center for training and continuing education programs. Options for training include regularly scheduled programs via the internet or on-demand programs that can be taken directly to the local government.
Rick Green,
Government Services Director(864) 941-8072 direct line
Cason Wright,
Government Services Project Manager(864) 941-8065 direct line