Town of McCormick Receives Grant for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Town of McCormick has received a $50,000 grant from the S.C. Energy Office to install two electric vehicle charging stations.

Upper Savannah COG helped apply for the grant on behalf of the Town and will administer the project.

McCormick Mayor Roy Smith Jr. is thankful for the funding.

“I feel the electric vehicle charging grant is going to be huge for our community, especially with the rising number of electric cars we are now seeing on the roads,” he said.

“It’s going to be great for locals as well as visitors who won’t have to worry if they have enough power to make it back home when visiting us,” the mayor continued.

“Also, they will be able to charge while shopping. It’s going to be located behind Town Hall, which is a centralized location. We are in the process of constructing a new city parking area. The timing couldn’t have been better. It’s a win/win.”

The new parking area is part of a Community Development Block Grant streetscape project which was also applied for and is being administered by Upper Savannah. That project is due for completion this summer and includes a veteran’s park.

USCOG Government Services Director Rick Green who assisted with the charging stations grant application will help with background administrative items such as putting together requests for proposals and keeping the project on track.

The SC Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant annual mini-grant program is a competitive funding opportunity for a small number of high-impact demonstration projects to encourage the awareness of emerging technologies or innovative approaches to energy efficiency, renewable energy, or clean transportation.

The State awarded $1.3 million for 19 projects, including electric vehicle supply equipment and/or electric vehicle purchases, lighting retrofits, heating, ventilation and air conditioning replacements, energy audits and/or weatherization, energy-efficient doors and windows, and solar panel installation.